Strickanleitung Forever Fern von Katrin Schubert
Sprachen | Englisch |
Wolle | Rote Version Malabrigo Rios (100% Merino, 192m-100g) in Camel (Hauptfarbe) and Ravelry Red(Kontrastfarbe). Grüne Version WalkCollection Merino DK (225m- 100g) in Grunge Pop (Hauptfarbe) and College Green (Kontrastfarbe). |
Nadeln | 3,50 mm 40cm Rundstricknadel oder Nadelspiel Zu den passenden Stricknadeln -> Zu den passenden Nadelspielen-> |
Maschenprobe | 22 Maschen, 28 Runden 10x10cm |
Größe | Tiefe 22 cm Umfang (52cm) |
Zubehör | Maschenmarkierer und Nadeln zum Vernähen Zu den Maschenmarkierern -> |
Verwendete Techniken in der Strickanleitung Forever Fern von Katrin Schubert
CO, dpn(s) | cast on, double pointed needle(s) |
MC, CC | Main color, Contrast color |
St(s), rnd, RH, LH | stitch(es), round, Right hand, Left hand. |
K, p | knip, purl |
brk | Knit the stitch that was slipped in the previous round together with its yo |
brp | Purl the stitch that was slipped in the previous round together with its yo |
Sl1yo | Work a yarn over followed by a slipped stitch by bringing the yarn forward between the needles, slipping the stitch purlwise and bringing the yarn to the back over the needle, slipped stitches and accompanying yarn over are treated as a single stitch in stitch counts |
brkyobrk | Brk1, leaving stitch on the LH needle, yo, brk1 all into the same stitch, 2 stitches increased (in the following CC rnd: sl1yo, p1, sl1yo) |
brLsldec | Involving 3 stitches, 2 stitches decrease slanting left, slip first stitch knitwise, brk next two stitches together, pass slipped stitch over |
brRsldec | Involving 3 stitches, 2 stitches decrease slanting right, slip first stitch knitwise, knit next stitch, pass slipped stitch over, place stitch on LH needle and pass the following stitch over, place stitch on RH needle. |
Rep, EOR | repeat instructions, end of round |
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